
Which Season is the Best Time of Year to Move?

Which is the best season for moving? This is a very tricky question. While it may seem like a cut-and-dry decision on which season is ideal, the various locations around the country have different perspectives regarding this issue. According to the United States Census Bureau, 14% of the US population (40 million people) move annually. Let’s take a look at the factors that dictate what season is in the best time of year to move. 

Deciding Factors

There are a few deciding factors involved in determining what the best time of year to move is. These boil down to location and family dynamics. 

These deciding factors include:

  • Climate: There are different weather conditions around the country. These conditions are a major determining factor as to the suitability of seasons in regards to moving. 
  • Family Schedules: Depending on the schedule of your family members, certain times of the year may be ideal for moving and other times may be unrealistic. 
  • Work Schedule: The demand for a rigorous work schedule will be a significant determining factor as to when the best time to relocate will be. 


In the United States, practically every type of weather condition is present at some point in time during the year in some locations. Everything from the blistery chill of the blizzard-prone Mid-West, to the always sunny climate in the west, the full spectrum of weather conditions is present. 

We need to take a closer look at how each season can be favorable to some degree. Here’s how the seasons measure up:

  • Winter: In warmer climates, winter is an ideal time for many people in the west and down the deep south. For instance, if you are in Florida or California, you may have reasonably warm weather, prime for moving. If you have purchased Dayton real estate, winter will be the worst time to move. The prices also tend to drop for movers during this season. 
  • Spring: For many reasons, spring is the optimum time to move practically anywhere in the country. The weather is pleasant, yet not too hot. Combined with the fact that many people will have income tax refunds around this time, you can’t go wrong with moving in spring. 
  • Summer: Summertime is another excellent time for a move. While the heat can be blistering in some areas, it can be just right in others. 
  • Fall: Fall weather is perfect for moving also. It is not too hot or cold, and there may be a discount for movers since the season is slow.

Scheduling Issues

If there are issues with school or work with members of your family, vacation periods during the summer and the spring may be ideal. Coordinate the move with everyone’s availability.



By now, it is clear to see that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for determining the best season to move. Weigh the determining factors, and see what is best for your family and the areas you are moving to.

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