
14 Tips for Decluttering Your Space

Clutter isn’t just an eyesore; it’s a distraction, an obstacle, and a source of stress. That’s why it’s important to get rid of unnecessary items sitting around your living space as soon and as efficiently as possible.

Understand the Psychology of Clutter

People accumulate clutter over time without even realizing it. Maybe the queen size bed you bought years ago holds sentimental value, making it difficult to part ways with it, even though it has gotten old and takes up much of your bedroom space.

There’s also the fear of waste. You are probably keeping that cracked coffee mug because you think you can still use it for something, even though, in reality, you’re just hoarding junk. Lastly, the sheer volume of clutter can be overwhelming. When faced with piles of items, it’s easy to feel paralyzed and unsure where to start. Understanding these psychological factors can help you approach decluttering with more clarity and purpose.

Preparation Phase

Before starting, it’s essential to define your decluttering objectives. Are you aiming to create more space, improve organization, or get rid of unnecessary items? Whatever your goal is, write it down, or make a mental note of it. Then, create a plan of attack. Break down the goal into smaller, manageable tasks that you can tackle one at a time. Don’t let it be random; have a clear starting point and end goal in mind. This will make the process easier and more satisfying.

Finally, you need to make a schedule and set a deadline. You can decide to use your Saturdays for decluttering or allocate a specific amount of time each day. Having a schedule will keep you accountable and help you stay on track.


Decluttering the Kitchen

1. Start With Surfaces

Begin your kitchen decluttering by clearing off countertops and tables. Remove everything from these surfaces, and put back only the items you use daily. Even better, categorize them as you put them back. For instance, create a section for spices, another for cooking utensils, and so on. Use baskets or trays to corral smaller items.

2. Tackle the Pantry

Next, focus on your pantry. Check expiration dates, toss anything that’s gone bad, and organize the remaining items. Consider using clear containers or baskets for better visibility and accessibility. Sort your refrigerator the same way. Invest in refrigerator storage bins for better organization and to maximize space, and be sure to purge expired food.

3. Rearrange Your Appliances if Necessary

Rearranging your appliances can give you a new perspective on your kitchen layout and open up much-needed space. Consider moving appliances you rarely use to a different location or even storing them in a designated appliance cabinet.

4. Purge Your Cabinets

Go through your cabinets and get rid of broken items, missing pieces, and anything you never use. Keep only what you truly need and use regularly. You can also use drawer organizers or shelf dividers to create more space and keep things tidy.

5. Implement a Clean-as-You-Go Policy

During cooking or meal prep, encourage a habit of cleaning up as you go. This will prevent clutter from building up and make it easier to maintain a clean and organized kitchen.

Decluttering the Bathroom

6. Sort Through Products

Sort through your personal care and hygiene products, disposing of anything that’s expired, damaged, or unused. Group similar items together to make finding what you need easier.

7. Evaluate Towels and Linens

Next, take a look at your towels and linens. Keep only those that are in good condition and regularly used.

8. Optimize Storage

Finally, explore ways to optimize your bathroom storage. Use drawer organizers to keep small items tidy, or consider installing shelves for additional storage. Make sure everything has a designated spot to keep your bathroom clean, safe, and functional.

Decluttering the Living Room

9. Assess Furniture Arrangement

Start by removing furniture that doesn’t serve a purpose or fit your desired aesthetic. Then, assess the arrangement of your remaining furniture for better flow and functionality. Avoid pushing all your pieces against the wall; instead, pull them toward the center of the room to create a conversation area.

If you have a large living room, consider dividing it into smaller areas for different purposes, such as a reading nook or a workspace. Having different focal points makes the room look organized and well-structured.

10. Reduce Decorative Items

Next, take a look at your decorative items. While they add personality to your living room, too many can create a cluttered feel. Choose a few key pieces that you love, and display them prominently while storing or donating the rest.

11. Designate a ‘Drop Zone’

To prevent future clutter from accumulating, designate a specific spot for items that tend to pile up (e.g., bags, shoes, mail). This could be a stylish basket or a small table near the entrance. Encourage family members to use this area to keep your living room tidy.

Decluttering the Bedroom

12. Remove Items That Don’t Belong

The bedroom should be as minimal as possible to enhance the restful atmosphere. It should contain key pieces of furniture, such as adjustable beds, dressers, and nightstands, and a few simple decorative items. Remove workout equipment, office supplies, boxes, and anything else that doesn’t belong in the bedroom.

13. Make Your Bed Every Morning

When you wake up and before you leave the room, make your bed. Ensure that the cover of your firm mattress is straight and the pillows are fluffed. This simple task will give your bedroom a tidy look with a refreshing feel.

Decluttering space

14. Streamline Your Wardrobe

Clothes can pile up quickly, causing a cluttered mess. To avoid this, sort your clothes into three piles: keep, donate/sell, and toss. Separate any out-of-season items, and store them in a closet or under-bed storage. Keep the clothes you wear regularly in your wardrobe, and make room for new pieces by donating or selling items you no longer wear.


A clutter-free environment enhances safety, increases productivity and focus, promotes mindfulness, and reduces stress and anxiety. Remember, this is something that takes time and careful consideration to execute effectively. Therefore, make decluttering part of your regular home maintenance routine, and reap the benefits of a clean and organized living space.

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