
8 Tips To Get Your Children in a Routine for School

Children need a new routine when they go back to school after summer vacation. Whether it’s a new gym class or a difficult math class, a strong routine will have them ready for anything! Use these following tips to ensure that your child is adjusting to their school schedule and new routines.

1. Set Time for Going to Bed and Waking Up

Start getting your child into the habit of going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. A good night’s sleep is critical for concentrating in school. Your child will be more alert and will perform better in school. Although this will be tough at first, soon, it will become second nature. Taking the time to start this habit a few days or weeks before school starts can make the process a little more manageable.

2. Set a Specific Time for Daily Homework

Setting a specific homework time each day and ensuring the child sticks to it are great ways to help them succeed because you instill good homework habits. Be consistent, and it will pay off in time!

It has been found that students with a regular homework routine tend to get better grades and have fewer behavior problems. Take the time to map out a homework schedule that works for everyone. Showing you are serious about their education is a great way to help them thrive in school.

3. Help Children Get Organized

Teaching your child how to stay organized to help them succeed in school can be challenging, especially if they’re used to a more relaxed summer schedule. You can sit down with them and create a daily or weekly planner to help them keep track of their assignments, test dates and extracurricular activities.

Then, ensure they have a designated spot in your home for all their school supplies. A designated area will help them keep track of their things and prevent lost homework assignments. Finally, show them how to create a study schedule that will allow them to make the most of their study time.

4. Get Your Children Involved in Extracurricular Activities

Get your child involved in extracurricular activities to help them understand the importance of learning new skills, being on time for practices or meetings, teamwork and more. You can encourage them to join anything from sports to music to drama club where they can meet new friends and stay active.

5. Talk to Your Children’s Teachers

Talk to your child’s teachers if you’re concerned about how they are adjusting to their new school schedule. They’ll help you gain valuable insight into how your child is doing in school. Staying informed as a parent will give you more understanding as to why your child may be receiving certain grades or feedback.

6. Create a Mock School Day

One way to ease the transition back to school is to create a mock school day for your child, which can help them and you to get into the routine before the first day of class. Set the alarm for the time they would need to get up for school, use the best teeth-whitening products to get their teeth clean and help them get dressed in their uniform or back-to-school clothes. Then sit down together for breakfast and pack their lunchbox or backpack.

Make sure your children have everything they need for the day ahead: calculators, pencils, notebooks and more. Then, walk or drive them to school. This mock school day will not only help your child feel more prepared for the first day of school, but it will also give you a chance to see how your child’s new back-to-school routine works for your family. If you are missing anything from the routine like a new lunch box, replacement toothbrush heads for your child’s toothbrush, a gym bag, etc. you’ll have time to pick it up before the first day happens.

7. Let Your Children Choose Their School Supplies

As you begin to prepare for your child’s back-to-school routine, one important task is to choose the right school supplies. While it may be tempting to purchase whatever is on sale, involving your child in the selection process is important. After all, they’ll be using these supplies daily. Allowing your children to help choose their school supplies can have several benefits:

  • It can help them feel more invested in their education. When children have a say in what goes into their backpacks, they will be proud of their belongings and more likely to take care of them throughout the year.
  • Involving your child in the selection process can teach them about budgeting and responsible spending. As you compare prices and look for deals, you can explain to them why it is important to be mindful of our spending.
  • Letting your children pick their school supplies can be a fun-bonding experience.

Accompanying them lets you chat about your child’s upcoming school year and get them excited for all that lies ahead.

8. Practice Timed Everyday Tasks

Getting back into the school routine can be tough for children and parents alike. One way to ease the transition is to start practicing timed tasks. Set a timer to see how long it takes your child to eat, get dressed and brush their teeth with a sonic toothbrush for kids and luxury toothpaste.

Once you know how long each task normally takes, you can build in some extra time for homework or reading in the morning. Preparing ahead of time helps your child easily adjust to the demands of the school day.

Final Thoughts

It’s important to get your child into a back-to-school routine as soon as possible. Don’t forget to stock up on any necessary items like notebooks, pencils and backpacks. Don’t wait until the last day because you and your child need time to adjust to their new routine!

Infographic Provided By Dental Services in Hattiesburg MS, , Lamar Dental

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